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FSBC Summer Volleyball Leagues

Join the FSBC Summer Volleyball Leagues!

The FSBC Summer Volleyball Leagues will consist of two groups: the Youth League (rising 6th – 9th graders) and the Open League (rising 10th graders through Adults). Both groups are coed and take place in a family-oriented, fun environment with play on FSBC’s sand volleyball court. Multi-generational play is encouraged in the open league.

Each league will be comprised of up to 10 teams, with a maximum of 10 players per team. The Open League will have 4 x 4 play; the Youth League, 6 x 6 play.

Each team will play 1 match per week. A match is 3 sets to 21. Teams will all play each other over the course of 7 weeks with a tournament for the top 4 teams in the final week.

Match Dates and Times

June 8 – July 28

The youth league will play on Saturdays from 8 AM to 1 PM. The Open League will play on Sundays from 8 AM to 1 PM. Teams will be assigned a match time for each week.

Pre-season Practices

Teams will have the opportunity to practice on the sand volleyball court at FSBC before the season starts at an assigned time.

Practices for the Youth League will take place on Saturday, May 18 and Saturday, June 1.

Practices for the Open League will take place on Sunday, May 19 and Sunday, June 2.

Referees and Coaches

There will be a referee for all matches. There will also be coaches for Youth League matches.

Access to FSBC Pools and Grounds

Players are encouraged to come early/stay late on their day of play to watch the games! They may also enjoy access to the FSBC grounds and pools. Non-members may stay until 1 PM on their day of play. (Additional non-member family members may join them for $15 each).

FSBC will host a pool party on the final weekend for all players!

2024 COSTS 

Players may register as individuals or as pre-formed teams. Youth League registration includes the cost of a t-shirt.

Youth League:

  • FSBC Members: $50/individual or $400/team
  • Non-Members: $70/individual or $560/team

Adult League:

  • FSBC Members: $30/individual or $180/team: FULL
  • Non-Members: $50/individual or $300/team: FULL


Fry’s Spring Beach Club: 2512 Jefferson Park Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22903  |  Contact Us

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