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Beginners Waltz Lessons
Beginners Waltz Lessons

Starting in November, we will be hosting folk waltzing lessons for beginners on Wednesday evenings. If you’ve ever wanted to dance but don’t know how, this is your opportunity! Here are the details:

Instructor: Cawood Fitzhugh

When: November 13th – December 18th

Where: FSBC Ballroom

Times:  Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 pm

Lessons: 6

The class is about learning the basic principles of partner dancing and finding a flow in time to the music with your partner. If you don’t have a partner or have one but deem them an unsuitable dance companion, bring a friend! Folk waltz is more about leading and following rather than choreographed steps. By the end of the classes you’ll be able to do a simple waltz. You can celebrate at the final class, waltzing to live musicians.

Dress casually and wear shoes with a bit of slide. If you have tennis shoes, you may purchase these dance socks to slip over them so you can turn easily.

Classes are free to FSBC members and $5/class for non-members.


1 day - $5.00
2 days - $10.00
3 days - $15.00
4 days - $20.00
5 days - $25.00
6 days - $30.00

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Fry’s Spring Beach Club: 2512 Jefferson Park Avenue, Charlottesville, VA 22903  |  Contact Us

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